When the Tide of Life has swallowed you and your Dreams seem to elude... you have to uncover something Original to hold on to.~ Tina Smith 2011
Home » 2011 » February » 12 » Answered Prayers
10:21 PM
Answered Prayers

Answered Prayers

God help me with this fear of messing up!
Give me patience and help me to be fast enough.
I don’t know these people, but their lives are in my hands
everything happened so fast sometimes it’s hard to understand.
It’s so weird to finally have my wishes come true,
and deep inside I know it’s because of you.
I lost faith in everything I knew and loved
you’re restoring this slowly from up above.
I feel like my heart is going to pound out of my chest,
but I don’t know why? For everyone is at rest.
It’s very overwhelming to know how much they need me
I wonder if I can gain there trust? And what there thinking when they open up there eyes and see me?
Finally I can care for people and be a loving mother, and wife everyday
you’ve brought me this far, and I won’t give up…Starting now I’ll pray.
I don’t want anything for Christmas! I have a family again
I’ve always wished to be able to give support to my children.
I’m not saying hi and goodbye at a car door anymore
I’m actually preparing hot meals, and giving my loving support.
For as long as I live I’ll never forget this year
the good and bad…Everything that’s happened to allow me to be here.
I’ll cherish this moment forever,
and I know I can make it as long as we’re together.
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