I've always had this hole deep inside
that only my family can fill
But fate seems to always throw so much at me
that my path isn't always my will.
I feel like the hands of time
are slowly dwindling away
I would give anything to spent hrs
with my mom, dad and sister
throughout the day.
It seems the help I give
is always to everyone else
I don't even have time left
for myself.
I see the sadness
and I know
my parents are feeling it too
But we were raised to be selfless
And none of us
no how to do...
What it would take
To be only each other's fate.
I can only Hope there health holds on
And that when we have time
They're not gone.
As we age
We become more aware
Of how little time we have left.
None of us are promised tomorrow
For our will's next step.
So Hold everyone Close
And tell them
how much you LOVE them.
Because while not everything
Is under our control
Words only take a mere breath
And a moment to make
A Soul whole.