When the Tide of Life has swallowed you and your Dreams seem to elude... you have to uncover something Original to hold on to.~ Tina Smith 2011
Home » 2011 » February » 12 » Dream Portal
10:06 PM
Dream Portal

Dream Portal

It's so weird when I go to sleep...
I get sucked into a world of 3D.
When my life was going to shit
I'd go to sleep, and dream the opposite.
Now that my life is going so well
I go to sleep, and dream of Hell.
I don't get it… What does it mean?
Now I only have bad dreams!!!
I'm either fighting someone trying to shoot me down
or I'm running with my kids through deserted towns.
Of course there's always one person after us
I never see there face, because running is the only focus.
No matter who is in the dream I'm always the one trying to keep us alive
no one else is fighting back...They just follow, but yet we still survive.
I always wake up before the end
if it was to finish...Would we really survive? I guess that depends.
If I have to dream of bad things to have heaven for real
then I'll take it, because it's a great deal.
I wouldn't trade my life or being my husband's wife for anything in the world
so I’ll settle with this so called dream portal.
I feel like we've started over again
so we can correct our mistakes at the beginning.
All the bad times were worth it for this year
it's like God's watching over us…Leaving no room for fear.
Our lives are so peaceful it feels like a dream
the loving glow in this house is a wonderful thing.
So each night when I go to sleep...
I will remember when I wake I'm living my fantasy.
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