This is my own Personal Get Away.
I'm a 42yr. old Mother of 3 ages 26yrs., 25yrs., and 20yrs.
I've been Married since the age of 16yrs. so don't make advances towards me or
you'll be deleted.
Feel free to comment on my Art or Poetry, but plz keep in mind they were merely
moments in time that I went through. Alot of my Poetry doesn't apply to my life today.
For as I've grown everything has changed "Alot for the better" . I do enjoy advice
however, and know there is always more to learn.
Favorite Quote:
When the Tide of Life has swallowed you
and your Dreams seem to elude...
you have to uncover something Original to hold on to. - Me ;)
Tina Cupp-Smith | Create Your Badge