When the Tide of Life has swallowed you and your Dreams seem to elude... you have to uncover something Original to hold on to.~ Tina Smith 2011
We were allowed to leave that hospital room after 30 days...Finally New Years Eve at like 8pm.

It was a pretty big deal for us to be able to be home with the kids for New Years seeing we were not home for Christmas.

I was very brief on my last posting because my head was doing jumping jacks!

That whole time sitting watching over him not knowing if he was going to make it, and I only cried 1 time on a 1 hr. break in the I.C.U. and it was to someone I never call "Which is weird" but I'm glad Angie was there for me. 

After that I held it all in again. I didn't have time to be upset, and my mind was refusing to believe that he would die. I just kept saying God sent us there in enough time that he didn't die..There for he just couldn't die.

I actually felt as if I was stuck in that movie "Freaky Friday" It felt like a bad dream that I wasn't waking from.
Views: 1046 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 20.Feb.2013

So I've been at the Hospital since Dec 3rd with my husband.
My kids are older, but I still feel bad about leaving my 16yr old to learn how hard it is to have to do everything for herself. She is doing very good for the stress she has been under. They all have been through a lot.

An ER trip turned from what my husband thought was the stomach flu to you need emergency surgery and a 3 day hospital stay. "Which he wanted to sign himself out than, and I threw a fit till he agreed to stay"!

They did blood work which detected elevated Liver enzymes, and they said if he would have stayed home one more day he would have died.

So they did scans and said it was a 1 in a million kinda thing where his Gallbladder had stones and some moved into the Liver and blocked the Duct to his Small Intestine. So he needed his Gallbladder removed, but they needed to do an ERCP first to remove the stones from the Liver before they mov ... Read more »
Views: 919 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 28.Dec.2012

I'm just thinking of all the poor families that have lost everything..*PRAYERS*  We all need to remember what is really important "Family, Food, Shelter, Animals, Love & our Health"! It Will Get BETTER ~ And You will be CLOSER in a Bond of Community Love. **HUGS**
Views: 9281 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 31.Oct.2012

I've added 2 new Artworks in 2 Days :) It feels good to have back my Picture program it helps me release stress! It unfortunately only works on XP :(
The only thing that even comes close is Adobes photoshop for $1000.00 , and that is never going to happen...Who can afford that?
Views: 17401 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 26.Feb.2012

So today marks the Day things have finally started to look up.
Bankrupcty is over, S.S.D. has come through for my Husband and there is
a loop hole called use the Medicare card to check for other problems that BWC won't allow. So if they find something else wrong with Hubbys back it can finally be added to his claim ! 5 yrs. late but it's better than never.
He got his 1. electric wheel chair
               2. a new bath seat ordered
               3. a new cane ordered
               4. a new M.R.I ordered
               5. S.S.D. & worker's Comp
      & ... Read more »
Views: 661 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 09.Jan.2012

Views: 706 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 16.Sep.2011

As of yesterday I have a permanent *SMILE*
A very nice lady that didn't even know me just handed me
a 61 key Yamaha Keyboard for FREE! I offered to earn it,
but she just handed it to me.
She said she got good use out of it.
I'm not used to being handed something for nothing.
So I can only imagine what my face looked like LoL!
Now I need to learn to read music...Any suggestions?
P.S.   **STILL SMILING**   = )
Views: 613 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 18.Jul.2011

Views: 709 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 27.May.2011

Views: 700 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 27.May.2011

Views: 689 | Added by: CascadingDesire | Date: 27.May.2011

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