When the Tide of Life has swallowed you and your Dreams seem to elude... you have to uncover something Original to hold on to.~ Tina Smith 2011
Home » 2012 » January » 10 » One Day at a Time ;)
12:46 PM
One Day at a Time ;)
So today marks the Day things have finally started to look up.
Bankrupcty is over, S.S.D. has come through for my Husband and there is
a loop hole called use the Medicare card to check for other problems that BWC won't allow. So if they find something else wrong with Hubbys back it can finally be added to his claim ! 5 yrs. late but it's better than never.
He got his 1. electric wheel chair
               2. a new bath seat ordered
               3. a new cane ordered
               4. a new M.R.I ordered
               5. S.S.D. & worker's Comp
               6. bankruptcy is final
               7. My Mom is looking better/ my Dad is currently hurting ;(
               8. A FRESH START  :)
And things over all seemed to be calming down and Family is coming together.
Now I need to get myself into the ER to finally get my chest x-ray done again to check for growth on the Mass they found...I don't think there is anything to worry about , but for some reason I keep putting it off??
All in all I feel better than I have in yrs. ... Me , Mom, and my sister have all started taking One a Day "Energy" Vitamins and they are like a Miracle in a Bottle!
Pains are gone and I'm no longer a Zombie =)
We thought my Mom had M.S. or R.A. because of how bad she was and this vitamin has made a huge difference. It sounds stupid but there must be a genetic B1, B2 deficiency of some kind in our family, because regular vitamins and B12 Vitamins didn't work, in fact they wouldn't even digest.
I feel hopeful for the first time in 10 yrs. that things are finally turning around enough to smile inside. Not that smile you show everyone else but the kind you do when your alone. I'm not an EMO or anything I just have always taken Life one day at a time, because it was to stressful to think ahead.
If I had one wish it would be for me and my Husband to be able to sleep side by side again. He is in constant pain and I understand it all..In fact I don't care that he can't function as he puts it :"As a Man" at all...Because Marriage isn't about that at all. I do miss embrassing though, because that emotion makes you feel closer and stronger.
Just imagine waking one Day to find yourself never feeling the beat of your other half's heart or the Breaths . You know how when your sleeping wrapped around each other and there chest is rising and falling , and at first your both breathing different and than suddenly you sorta sync up  and calmly breath as one and fall asleep...That is what I MISS so very much.
 Granted I'd never leave for something so petty. And at first thats what he was thinking, but he knows deep down that it's not who I am. Till Death do us Part  is what you say, however I think very few people really get the meaning.
I thank GOD everyday since I got married at 16yrs. old that we've made it and we had our problems believe me, but we now have 2 kids in College and one who will be in High school next yr.
And we have always had the utilities on, and a roof over our head, and food in our mouths and most importantly EACH OTHER. 
And As I have posted before:
Take each Day one at a Time
Stressing over Tomorrow ...
Will leave you Emotionally Behind.
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