We were allowed to leave that hospital room after 30 days...Finally New Years Eve at like 8pm.
It was a pretty big deal for us to be able to be home with the kids for New Years seeing we were not home for Christmas.
I was very brief on my last posting because my head was doing jumping jacks!
That whole time sitting watching over him not knowing if he was going to make it, and I only cried 1 time on a 1 hr. break in the I.C.U. and it was to someone I never call "Which is weird" but I'm glad Angie was there for me.
After that I held it all in again. I didn't have time to be upset, and my mind was refusing to believe that he would die. I just kept saying God sent us there in enough time that he didn't die..There for he just couldn't die.
I actually felt as if I was stuck in that movie "Freaky Friday" It felt like a bad dream that I wasn't waking from.